Raidne (Part III)




The door to the SCIF beeped, and opeened.  General Fukawa Johnson stormed in angrily.

"She's escaped, and in Sloughwitz's camp now." Johnson shouted. The General slammed a folio down in front of Congresswoman Gotard.

"UGH." Congresswoman Gotard yelled.  "This entire operation is royally FUCKED.  How did she get out?"

General Johnson grabbed the folio off the desk, and shuffled through several papers.  "Says here, since the phlebotomist's quit, the corpsman that administered the quieting pharmacuticals screwed up, and missed the vein."

Johnson slammed the folio back down on the desk, the papers flying askew.

"You've royally fucked this entire operation, and I can't allow that to continue." General Johnson said, flatly.

"I'm bringing this to the Joint Chiefs.  I can't keep this quiet any longer"

"Yes, you can." Gotard said, in a vaguely singsong voice.  Her eyes glowed slightly

General Johnson slapped her.  She lunged backwards, shocked.  The slight glow in her eyes, extinguished.

"Surprise, bitch.  I know what you are.  I know who the girl is, and this entire thing stops.  Your Jedi powers do not work on me, girl." Johnson said, grinning.

"I guess there's only one thing left to do." Gotard said, flatly.

She pulled a small concealed firearm out of her purse and shot Johnson point black in the face.  Blood and brain matter splattered on her face and blouse.  He collapsed on the floor.

"Hey, Beckett!" she called out.

Jordan Beckett appeared in a puff of diaphanous smoke.

"Let me guess..."

"Yeah, I need you to make him disappear."  Beckett rolled his eyes, and dissapeared.  He reappeared almost instantaniously, handing Gotard a towel and a bottle of window cleaner.  "You can clean the blood and guts up."

Beckett picked up the body, and disappeared into the ether again with it.

Gotard started scrubbing.  "Fuck." she muttered to herself.  "Now I have to figure out who the rat is."  She sprayed the window cleaner on the floor, and scrunched her nose at the acrid ammonia smell.  She broke an acrylic nail.

Six minutes later, Beckett returned.

"Where did you leave him?"

"The planet Venus." Beckett stated, flatly. "About 10 feet from where Venera 14 landed." Gotard could never tell when he was kidding or not.  "You still have some shit in your hair." Beckett said, producing a handkercheif from his exquisitely tailored suit, wiping some blood and brain matter from her hair.


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