
Showing posts from August, 2021

(A different story snippet) The snatch - Part 1

 Allie Fox sat in her 50 year old truck and prepared herself.  She activated the camouflage body panels, which changed to vantablack.  She quietly slipped out of the truck and checked the custom fit of her body armor. She breathed deeply. "Rock and Roll" she said quietly to herself.  She removed her combat helmet from the compartment in the rear of the truck, and powered it up and put it on.  The helmet automatically connected to the rigjack at the back of her neck. Her perception expanded.  She could "see" 360 degrees around.  She could see in the infrared as well as in low light.  She attached the cartoonish Fox snout to the front of her combat helmet.   For luck. She checked the pistol at her hip.  It was ready.  Heads-up display showed it had 19 rounds of 9mmEXP ready.  The camouflage panels on her truck had about 30 minutes till they over heated.  She fingered the old wireless remote in her pocket, pressing the first button.  A series of loud pops and bangs ran