
Showing posts from January, 2021

Humans Don't Comply

 Star Emperor G'Gerlian lept from his throne in anger. "The Terrans did WHAT?" "They dumped the shipment of terrillium into one of the waterways.  When terrilium gets wet it..." "I KNOW WHAT HAPPENS TO TERRILIUM WHEN IT GETS WET" The emperor roared. J'Jark shrank a bit. The Emperor grabbed his scepter in his third hand, and luched for the communications terminal. "Bring me the Grand Fleet Marshall.  I want that mudball LEVELED.  At this point, I'm open to waiting 200 cycles before we can settle it." J'Jark looked away a moment, and idly fingered the pendant his late love had given him.  The memory of her courage filled him, and he spoke. "Sire, I wouldn't normally speak out of turn, but I have to speak up about this.  It is only because my family has sworn a duty to you for 11 generations, my family is inextricably tied to yours.  If you were to, say, force elevens of colonists to a planet that had radiation weapons dumpe