
Showing posts from November, 2020

They do WHAT?

  "They do WHAT?" J'zigrath's ears stood up on end in surprise.   "Their entire technology set is based on harnessing explosions and detonations. IT's why we didn't detect any antigravity tech. They don't have any. All they have is explosions."   Zinda continued pulling the Human approximation equipment off of her face. The glue pulled at her scaly skin as she removed it. "The ground vehicles carry around a distilled liquid that explodes at a certain mix of oxygen. The explosions push mechanical levers which are geared to wheels."   J'zigrath stared blankly, his ears flattening.  "They race them. For entertainment." Zinda said, flatly.  J'zigrath found his voice. "But the orbital infrastructure? How did they get that stuff up without serious antigrav tech?"  Zinda laughed and smiled. "Explosions."   J'zigrath looked up at the taller female. "The mathematical precision required to